Aloha From Shirley Thompson Editorial’s new home in Honolulu!
Aloha Friends! It’s only my first day in Hawaii, but already I’m at work. No rest for the weary, thanks to my partner in crime (and all matters of the heart) Stanford Chang at Gravity, who had a meeting with a director lined up for me as soon as I landed. A pleasure to meet with Dennis Mahaffay of Laird Christianson Advertising. I’m looking forward to collaborating with him and Stan on a short edit for Hawaiian Airlines. Additionally, I’m also looking forward to working with wonderful Leanne Ferrer at Pacific Islanders in Communication on a trailer for One Voice, a documentary film with a lot of great buzz that I’ve really been looking forward to seeing. And I have a lead on a couple of good documentary projects, which I’m always on the lookout for… Nice to land and have some work right away! I hope it’s a sign of all good things to come.
For now, Stan is kind enough to let me camp out in the Final Cut Pro edit bay at Gravity, pictured here, until my edit studio furniture arrives via air and sea and I can set up the home studio. However, because I continue to work with a portable edit system that fits in a carryon bag, my computer and drives are already here. I landed ready to hit the ground editing!
So my Dallas studio is closed and my Dallas phone disconnected. You can reach me, as always via cell, 415-377-0198, and email: Don’t forget that Honolulu in the Hawaiian Time Zone: 3 hours EARLIER than California, 5 hours earlier than Texas, 6 hours earlier than New York.
You can’t tell in this picture, but there are actual palm trees outside the edit room window…and the beach is just three blocks away. A-lo-HA!