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New Years Revolutions

More water.  Less gluten.

More walking.  Less driving.

More blogging.  Less procrastinating.

More hiking. More dancing.

My friend Trayc calls them revolutions, instead of resolutions, which I really like.  Like most folks, I always begin the year with at least one big goal.  Last year I vowed to use less disposable plastic, and that shifted everything about the way I interact with the world of commerce. Read More

Happy Holidays from Shirley Thompson Editorial!

Aloha and much merriness from my little red edit room in the tropics to you and yours. It’s time to take a little break for the holidays, soak in this solstice time of renewal, rest, and regeneration…I’ll be back cut, cut, cutting away after the first of the new year. Thank you for all the great sharing and collaboration and inspiration you all give me throughout the year.  I look forward to much more fun, creativity and juiciness in 2012. My gift to you…here is the 2011 version of my Aloha Holiday Mix for you to enjoy. Mele Kalikimaka!


Pacific Islanders in Communications New Promo

Think you know Pacific Islanders?  Well, there are so many stories, yet to be told.  That’s the theme of this newest promo for Pacific Islanders in Communications, featuring the films that they fund and broadcast on public television.  It was so great to get to watch literally dozens of the latest films executive produced by the good folks at PIC, and search for those “chicken-skin” moments that Read More

Pro Bono Editing – Good Business, Good Cause

They caught me on a good day.

I was reading the SF Cutters Final Cut Pro editors listserv when a post appeared seeking editors for a pro-bono editing project.  Great music, great cause, no pay.

I was feeling rather sorry for myself that day.  This first quarter was typically slow…folks tend to start projects at the beginning of the year, Read More

Long Form Documentary Editing Workflow I – Organizing Your Project, Bins & Clips

Recently a colleague who was setting up his first long-form documentary project asked for advice about how to best organize his footage.   Specifically, he asked, “How do you/and your editor review and log the observational footage and determine what is relevant?  How do you organize your selects inside FCP? (By scenes, events, themes?) Any red flags to be aware of that might bite me in the rear 9 months from now?”Read More

What Impact Does Video Have on Your Website?

What a difference a video makes!
A small non-profit with a big heart and even bigger goals and aspirations puts it all out there on their home page with this short rock-umentary style video, directed and produced by long time co-collaborator Tacy Hess Gaede, co-produced and edited by moi, with some hot graphics and effects by Stanford Chang.  A great team effort to showcase the big talent and enthusiasm in a sweet little Colorado town…  Almost 500 hits on Vimeo already, Read More

New Trailer posted for Women’s Empowerment Global Initiative

Aloha friends!

Recently wrapped post on this trailer for the good folks at ITVS…The goal is to pitch a multi-year global media initiative to promote women’s empowerment, surrounding the PBS premiere of the HALF THE SKY series, based on the best-selling book by Pulitzer Prize winning journalists Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.  4 minutes of persuasion…

Kudos to the incredibly talented and wonderful voiceover actor Cynthia Dorn, and to John Dennis for the kick-ass mix!

This week I’m back to work on documentary scenes for colleague Mark Birnbaum in Dallas…so I’m cut, cut, cutting away…


Aloha friends…I am slamajama…and it’s been tough to get to blogging, in addition to editing full-time, tracking October baseball with both the Rangers and the Giants in contention for a Pennant, AND now the Hawaii International Film Festival in full-swing.  Fortunately, film co-conspirator Ellen Frankenstein has been blogging away, and so this week, a re-blog (is that like a re-tweet?), as featured in the Huffington Post:Read More